Monday, 20 August 2012

Hello insomnia, my old friend...

I know I am becoming unwell. Maybe “becoming” is an overstatement. It implies a kind of inevitability that I will descend into madness. That is not inevitable, but I have symptoms. Items on my carefully constructed “symptom list” have started to flag up.

The whole point of the list was to catch my mood disturbance before it spiralled out of control. To find a way to surf the waves rather than have them drag me under. So why am I not doing anything about it? I had a couple of weeks where anxious/low type symptoms were present. Nothing pathological, and nothing I couldn't do something about. In fact, I'd say my mood has pretty much been “normal” for a good month until now.

Now I am restless. Now I am avoiding sleep. There is so much to do with the day, oh how I wish a day had more hours than it did. I want to do everything: to learn, to teach, to sit exams, to practice medicine – oh, how I love being with patients! - to drive, to drink, to cook and eat, see friends, go to the beach, go to the gym, shop (especially for expensive dresses), to charm, to smile, to feel happy - why can I not be happy? Why do they (mental health professionals) want to curtail my excitement? I hate them. I loathe them, no, not just them, I loathe everyone. They're liars. This isn't a diagnosis, this is me and I am happy. I don't need to sleep – they're wrong.

Why am I so fixated about what they would think if they saw me now? Because in my heart I know something is wrong. I know they would worry about me sleeping less, about the times my thoughts rush, about me dropping almost £200 on a dress I really didn't need on Saturday because I felt like it (“I'm a doctor, I'm rich! I can have anything I want!”).

It's not all fun and games. A part of my heart is intermittently sinking. I am hearing those niggling voices say, “she hung herself”, “she hung herself”, “she locked herself in her room and hung herself”. Not one suicidal thought for two months and now they're back again. Damn those pesky voices...

What to do? My action plan involves stopping drinking and going to bed on time. Well, it's way past midnight already, and I resent trying to sleep when I don't want to. I didn't have a drink tonight, but it's a school night. Come the weekend I'll have forgotten this pledge to myself.

Who to tell? I've told my boyfriend, but he's gone abroad for a fortnight. I have a new GP I'm seeing on Friday. New. Can I trust him? Can I trust him to understand this, to understand me? I have one more session of CBT pending. Let's hope I can use it to turn myself around again. Because I am lost for ideas and lacking motivation.

It's hard to want to change when you're enjoying yourself.